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摘要点击 1535  全文点击 1311    修订日期:2011-05-03
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中文关键词  街道峡谷  绿化带  多孔介质  污染物扩散  数值模拟
英文关键词  street canyon  greenbelt  porous media  pollutant dispersion  numerical simulation
徐伟嘉 中山大学先进技术研究院,广州 510275
中山大学工学院,广东省智能交通系统重点实验室,广州 510275
东莞中山大学研究院,东莞 523808 
幸鸿 中山大学工学院,广东省智能交通系统重点实验室,广州 510275  
余志 中山大学工学院,广东省智能交通系统重点实验室,广州 510275
东莞中山大学研究院,东莞 523808 
      研究了道路绿化带对街道峡谷内流场与机动车尾气扩散的影响特征.假设绿化带树冠为均匀多孔介质,采用压力损失系数表征树冠对空气流动的阻碍作用,建立可用于数值模拟的绿化带多孔介质物理模型.采用稳态k-ε湍流模型结合组分输运方程模拟道路中央有绿化带街道峡谷内的尾气扩散过程,模拟结果与风洞试验数据对比吻合较好.分析发现,有绿化带街道峡谷内存在一个围绕树冠的顺时针旋涡,旋涡中心略偏向右上方,背风面污染物浓度显著增大,较无绿化带的污染物平均浓度增长46.0%.进一步模拟了不同绿化带树冠高度情况下街道峡谷内流场与浓度场,发现随着树冠位置的上升,峡谷内流场旋涡中心逐步上移且偏向迎风建筑物,峡谷内整体气流速度下降,污染物浓度逐步升高,树冠底部高度为8 m时其污染物浓度可达4 m时的2倍多; 尤其是当树冠顶部超过屋顶高度时,峡谷内污染物总体浓度增长迅速.
      The effect feature of greenbelt on flow field and pollutant dispersion in urban street canyon was researched. The greenbelt was assumed as uniform porous media and its aerodynamics property defined by the pressure loss coefficient. Subsequently, the pollutant dispersion in the street canyon of which there was greenbelt in the middle was simulated with the steady-state standard k-ε turbulence model and species transport equation. The simulated results agreed well with the wind-tunnel data. Compared with the treeless case, it finds that the street canyon contain a clockwise vortex, the pollutant concentration of the leeward was several times than the windward and the growth rate of pollutant concentration was 46.0%. The further simulation for the impact of tree crown position on the airflow and pollutant dispersion finds that the height of major vortex center in the street canyon increases with the height of tree crown and gradually closes the top of windward building This causes that the average wind speed in the street canyon decreases. Especially when the top of tree crown over the roof and hinder the air flow above the street canyon, the average pollutant concentration increases with the height of tree crown rapidly.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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