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摘要点击 2375  全文点击 1201  投稿时间:2011-06-13  修订日期:2011-07-20
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中文关键词  园林植物  挥发性有机物  异戊二烯  单萜烯  释放  亚热带地区
英文关键词  landscape plant  volatile organic compounds  isoprene  terpene  release  subtropical region
黄爱葵 深圳市光明新区城市建设局, 深圳 518107  
李楠 深圳市中国科学院仙湖植物园, 深圳 518004 linan@szum.gov.cn 
Alex Guenther 美国大气研究中心, 波士顿 80307  
Jim Greenberg 美国大气研究中心, 波士顿 80307  
Brad Baker 美国加利福尼亚州立大学, 洛杉矶 95819  
Michael Graessli 美国加利福尼亚州立大学, 洛杉矶 95819  
白建辉 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 北京 100029  
      对深圳地区的主要园林树种、地带性植被的代表种共计158种植物释放的生物源的挥发性有机物(biogenic volatile organic compounds,BVOCs)采用流动式、封闭式采样法采样,运至美国进行GC-MS分析测量.结果表明,短穗鱼尾葵( Caryota mitis )、海红豆( Adenanthera pavonina var. microsperma )、杧果( Mangifera indica )、海漆( Excoecoria agalloch )等31种植物具有释放异戊二烯的能力; 另有鸡蛋果( Passiflora edulis )、小琴丝竹( Bambusa glaucescens cv. silverstripe )、山苍子( Litsea cubeba )、大型双子铁( Dioon spinulosum )等52种植物具有释放单萜烯类化合物的能力.对红树植物的测量表明,该类植物普遍具有释放单萜烯的能力.上述结果为建立深圳及周边地区的环境质量模型提供了重要数据,同时也可为我国热带亚热带城市大面积绿化以及经济林、生态林和防护林等的树种选择提供参考.
      Isoprene and monoterpene emissions were characterized using flow and enclosure sampling method and GC-MS in USA for 158 species of plants growing in Shenzhen, China. This survey was designed to include all of the dominant plants within the Shenzhen region as well as unique plants such as Cycads. These are the first measurements in a subtropical Asian metropolis. Substantial isoprene emissions were observed from thirty-one species, including Caryota mitis, Adenanthera pavonina var. microsperma, Mangifera indica and Excoecoria agalloch. Monoterpene emissions were observed from fifty-two species, including Passiflora edulis, Bambusa glaucescens cv. silverstripe as well as some primitive and rare Cycadaceae and Cyatheaceae plants. For the first time some of red plants have been measured, most of them have the ability of releasing terpene. These results will be used to develop biogenic emission model estimates for Shenzhen and the surrounding region that can be used as inputs for regional air quality models.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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