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摘要点击 3252  全文点击 2784  投稿时间:2010-12-07  修订日期:2011-04-11
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中文关键词  巢湖  沉积物    形态分布  标准测试程序
英文关键词  Chaohu Lake  sediments  phosphorus  distribution form  standard measurement and test(SMT)
徐康 安徽大学资源与环境工程学院合肥 230601 
刘付程 淮海工学院测绘工程学院连云港 222005 
安宗胜 安徽大学资源与环境工程学院合肥 230601 
高毅 安徽大学资源与环境工程学院合肥 230601 
韩曦 安徽大学资源与环境工程学院合肥 230601 
孙庆业 安徽大学资源与环境工程学院合肥 230601 
      以巢湖表层沉积物为对象,采用欧洲标准测试委员会框架下发展的SMT分离方法分析总磷(total phosphorus, TP)、 有机磷(organic phosphorus, OP)、 无机磷(inorganic phosphorus, IP)、 铁铝磷(NaOH-P)、 钙磷(HCl-P)等磷形态的含量,利用ArcGIS 9.2和地统计学软件GS+5.3进行空间数据和插值处理,探讨了巢湖表层沉积物中磷的形态分布特征及来源.结果表明: ①沉积物中TN、 TP和有机质含量的季节变化较小,在空间上均表现出西半湖含量高于东半湖的分布特点; C/N比率在21.35~28.19之间(平均值为24.94),表明巢湖的入湖污染物主要以面源污染为主. ②巢湖表层沉积物中TP含量的变化范围为528.90~1385.71 mg·kg-1,IP为主要赋存形态(占TP的质量分数为55.78%~79.86%). ③巢湖表层沉积物中,OP含量为169.05~841.24 mg·kg-1,东、 西半湖OP含量分别为376.02 mg·kg-1和406.53 mg·kg-1(占TP的质量分数为47.49%和36.28%); NaOH-P含量为33.77~411.37 mg·kg-1,东、 西半湖含量分别为108.37 mg·kg-1和276.30 mg·kg-1(占IP的质量分数为21.73%和33.12%); HCl-P含量为194.95~477.45 mg·kg-1,东、 西半湖HCl-P含量分别为321.71 mg·kg-1和338.08 mg·kg-1(占IP的质量分数为64.50%和40.53%),是IP的主要组成部分. ④冬春季节OP含量高于夏秋季节,而夏秋季节HCl-P和NaOH-P含量高于冬春季节.
      Total phosphorus(TP), inorganic-phosphorus(IP), organic-phosphorus(OP), Fe/Al-bound phosphorus(NaOH-P) and Ca-bound phosphorus(HCl-P) in surface sediments of Chaohu Lake were measured, using the standard measurement and test(SMT) procedure of phosphorus forms in freshwater sediments. ArcGIS 9.2 and goestatistics software GS+5.3 were applied to process the spatial data and interpolation. Results showed that no significant seasonal variation of TN, TP and organic matter contents in sediments were presented, and the western lake had higher contents of TN, TP and organic matter than those in eastern lake; the C/N ratios varied from 21.35 to 28.19, with average value of 24.94, which demonstrated the dominance of non-point source pollution. The TP contents in surface sediments ranged from 528.90 to 1385.71 mg·kg-1, and the main form of TP in sediments was IP(accounted for 55.78%-79.86% of TP). The OP in sediments ranged from 169.05 mg·kg-1 to 841.24 mg·kg-1, with eastern lake and western lake were 376.02 mg·kg-1 and 406.53 mg·kg-1, respectively(accounted for 47.49% and 36.28% of TP); the NaOH-P contents in sediments ranged from 33.77 mg·kg-1 to 411.37 mg·kg-1, with eastern lake and western lake of 376.02 mg·kg-1 and 406.53 mg·kg-1, respectively(accounted for 21.73% and 33.12% of the IP); the HCl-P contents ranged from 194.95 mg·kg-1 to 477.45 mg·kg-1, with eastern lake and western lake 321.71 mg·kg-1 and 338.08 mg·kg-1, respectively(accounted for 64.50% and 40.53% of the IP), which was the main species of IP. The OP contents was high in spring and winter compared with summer and autumn, while the contents of HCl-P and NaOH-P in summer and autumn were higher than those in spring and winter.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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