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摘要点击 2570  全文点击 2360  投稿时间:2010-09-27  修订日期:2010-12-10
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中文关键词  逸度模型    长江口  灵敏度  多介质归趋
英文关键词  fugacity model  phenanthrene  Yangtze estuary  sensitivity  multimedia fate
汪祖丞 华东师范大学地理系 教育部地理信息科学重点实验室 上海200062 
刘敏 华东师范大学地理系 教育部地理信息科学重点实验室 上海200062 
杨毅 华东师范大学地理系 教育部地理信息科学重点实验室 上海200062 
王丽丽 华东师范大学地理系 教育部地理信息科学重点实验室 上海200062 
      利用Level Ⅲ逸度模型模拟了稳态假设下菲在长江口中大气、水体、沉积物和植物中的分布,根据模拟结果计算了相间迁移通量,并通过灵敏度分析确定了模型的关键参数.结果表明,大气平流是研究区菲的主要来源,大气和水的平流输出则是菲从研究区环境中消失的主要途径;在反应损失中,气相中的反应损失最大,沉积物的反应损失最小;大气是菲的主要储库,占总菲含量的86.36%,但浓度仅为0.5×10-7 mol·m-3;沉积相和植物相中菲的浓度较高,分别为1.5×10-6 mol·m-3和4.4×10-6 mol·m-3,表明两者是菲主要的“汇”;菲在各介质的分布主要受控于分配系数和沉降速率的影响.
      A Level Ⅲ fugacity model is used to simulate the concentration distribution of phenanthrene in air, water, sediment and plants in the Yangtze estuary. Based on simulation results, transfer fluxes among-phase are calculated, and also, the key model parameters are determined by means of sensitivity analysis. The results indicated that the advection of air is the main source of phenanthrene in this area, while the main disappeared way from the study region is the advection of air and water. The degradation of phenanthrene in air is the most and the degradation in sediment is the least. The air is the major store of phenanthrene, where phenanthrene was found accounts for 86.36% of the total amount, however, the phenanthrene concentrations is only 0.5×10-7 mol·m-3. The phenanthrene concentrations are higher in sediment and plants which are 1.5×10-6 mol·m-3 and 4.4×10-6 mol·m-3,respectively. The distribute coefficient and the sedimentation rate of the phenanthrene control the distribution of the phenanthrene in each medium.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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