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摘要点击 3883  全文点击 3600  投稿时间:2010-06-02  修订日期:2010-09-28
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中文关键词  暴露参数  饮水暴露  皮肤暴露  重金属  健康风险
英文关键词  exposure factor  drinking water exposure  dermal exposure  heavy metals  health risk assessment
段小丽 中国环境科学研究院北京100012 
王宗爽 中国环境科学研究院北京100012 
李琴 中国环境科学研究院北京100012 
张文杰 中国环境科学研究院北京100012 
黄楠 中国环境科学研究院北京100012 
王贝贝 中国环境科学研究院北京100012 
张金良 中国环境科学研究院北京100012 
      以位于长江和淮河流域交界处河南泌阳县为研究区,利用ICP/MS分析城镇和农村居民饮用水中14种重金属含量,抽样选取2500名城镇和农村不同性别和年龄的受试者作为研究对象,详细记录受试者3 d内的饮水和皮肤接触水的活动频率,并对有关饮水和皮肤暴露参数进行了测量.用暴露和健康风险模型计算了城镇和农村居民对14种重金属的经口饮水暴露和经皮肤暴露的健康风险,比较了参数引用和参数实测的健康风险评估结果的差异性.结果表明,城镇成年男性和女性饮水摄入率分别为2276 mL/d和2265 mL/d,农村成年男性和女性饮水摄入率分别为2464 mL/d和2170 mL/d;城镇成年男性和女性皮肤全身暴露面积分别为1.806 m2和1.641 m2,农村成年男性和女性皮肤全身暴露面积分别为1.747 m2和1.617 m2;城镇和农村饮用水中14种重金属的浓度均达到国家饮用水卫生标准;各类人群经口饮水和皮肤暴露砷的致癌性风险分别在2.5×10-6~5.2×10-6和1.1×10-7~2.3×10-7之间;各类人群经口饮水和皮肤暴露的非致癌物的总风险分别在2.1×10-7~1.7×10-6和1.0×10-8~6.0×10-8之间;农村各类人群的非致癌总风险是城镇的2.1 ~5.6倍,但风险处于可以接受水平以内;各暴露参数的绝对敏感性之和平均在71.5%左右,对健康风险评价的结果具有关键性的影响;基于参数实际测量的健康风险评价结果比采用国外发达国家暴露参数手册中的数据得出的评价结果高出0.94 ~6.33倍.本研究表明,基于暴露参数的健康风险评价方法可以提高风险评价的准确性,建议今后应重视暴露参数的调查和测量,以降低风险评价不确定性.
      This study was carried out in Biyang County,located in the junction of Yangtze river and Huaihe river. Drinking water samples of 20 sites in urban and rural areas in this county were collected to measure 14 heavy metals by ICP/MS. About 2500 subjects with different age and sex were selected to measure exposure factors. Time-activity of drinking water by ingestion and dermal contact of each individual subject during the last three days were kept in dairy in detail by questionnaires. Intake of drinking water from direct and indirect consumption of water and time duration of dermal contact to water in each individual subject were kept in record based on real time measurements. Human health risks were assessed and sensitivity of exposure factors and uncertainty of risks were also analyzed. The results showed that the average drinking water intake rate of male and female are 2276 mL/d,2265 mL/d in urban adults and 2464 mL/d,2170 mL/d in rural adults respectively. Body surface area of male and female are 1.806 m2,1.641 m2 in urban adults and 1.747 m2,1.617 m2 in rural adults respectively. The contents of 14 heavy metals in this study area are all below the national drinking water standards. Cancer risks from exposure to As are ranged from 2.5×10-6 to 5.2×10-6 through ingestion and 1.1×10-7 to 2.3×10-7 through dermal exposure.Non-cancer risks are ranged from 2.1×10-7 to 1.7×10-6 through ingestion and 1.0×10-8 to 6.0×10-8 through dermal exposure. Non-cancer risks in rural population are 2.1 times to 5.6 times to the risks in urban populations. However all the risks are below the acceptable level. The sensitivity of various exposure factors including drinking water intake rate,dermal exposure time and body surface area are 71.5% . This indicates that exposure factors play a very important role in health risk assessment. Health risks in this research based on real measurement of exposure factors are about 0.94 time to 6.33 times higher than the risks based on the references of the data from the exposure factors handbooks in other countries. This study showed that the accuracy of health risk assessment could be improved a lot by the real measurements of exposure factors. Attentions should be attached to exposure factor investigation to decrease uncertainty of health risk assessment.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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