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摘要点击 3518  全文点击 2422  投稿时间:2010-05-06  修订日期:2010-08-05
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中文关键词  水葫芦放养  水环境  氮磷营养盐  吸附  净化效果
英文关键词  water hyacinth planting  water environment  N and P nutrients  adsorption  purification effect
刘国锋 江苏省农业科学院资源与环境研究所南京210014 
张志勇 江苏省农业科学院资源与环境研究所南京210014 
严少华 江苏省农业科学院资源与环境研究所南京210014 
张迎颖 江苏省农业科学院资源与环境研究所南京210014 
刘海琴 江苏省农业科学院资源与环境研究所南京210014 
范成新 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室南京210008 
      利用水葫芦等生长快、生物量高的漂浮植物来净化污染水体,已成为目前水体生态修复的一种快捷有效的方法.在太湖竺山湖放养水葫芦后对水体营养盐吸收和水质净化效果的影响进行了研究.结果表明,受风浪扰动等影响,水体交换强烈,水葫芦放养区内溶解氧含量变化幅度在3.50~11.20 mg/L之间,未出现厌氧现象.水葫芦须根具有较强的吸附悬浮物和拦截蓝藻细胞的能力,使得水葫芦放养区内TN、TP含量较高,其变化幅度分别为3.37~8.02 mg/L、 0.15~0.36 mg/L,高于放养区外围水体中TN、TP含量(其变化幅度分别为3.03~7.45 mg/L和0.15~0.38 mg/L);较高含量的TN、TP浓度也表明水体处于重度污染.放养区内叶绿素最高值出现在8月,其含量为177.01 mg/m3,同期边缘和外围处含量分别为101.53 mg/m3和76.96 mg/m3,随后因藻细胞代谢衰亡,其含量开始下降;较高含量叶绿素表明水葫芦根须对蓝藻细胞具有较强的吸附和拦截作用,表明水葫芦对水体具有较强的净化功能,为利用水葫芦对较大面积富营养化水体的净化提供了依据.
      Using water hyacinth and other fast-growing and high biomass of floating plants to purify polluted water has become an efficient and effective ecological restoration method at present. Effects of nutrients adsorption and water purification of planting water hyacinth on water quality in Zhushan Bay were studied. The results indicated that no anoxia was observed in water hyacinth planting areas because of wave disturbance and strong water exchange. Concentrations of TN and TP in water hyacinth planting areas were higher than that in the outside of stocking area(the content ranged 3.03-7.45 mg/L and 0.15-0.38 mg/L,respectively),and the content changes ranged 3.37-8.02 mg/L and 0.15-0.36 mg/L,respectively. The higher concentration of TN and TP in water indicated the water body was heavily polluted. Water hyacinth roots have a strong ability to adsorb suspended solids and algae cells,the concentration of Chl-a in stocking areas was higher than that in stocking fringe and outside,the maximum Chlorophyll in the stocking region in August was 177.01 mg/m3,and at the same time the concentrations in planting fringe and outside were 101.53 mg/m3 and 76.96 mg/m3,respectively. Higher Chl-a content on water hyacinth roots indicated that water hyacinth had strong blocking effects on algae cells,and demonstrated it had a great purification effects on eutrophicated water,and it also provides a basis for the larger polluted water bodies purification in using water hyacinth.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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