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摘要点击 2509  全文点击 1907  投稿时间:2010-01-21  修订日期:2010-06-23
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中文关键词  人工湿地  反硝化  水力负荷  硝酸盐负荷  pH值  树皮  碳源
英文关键词  constructed wetland  denitrification  hydraulic loading  nitrate loading  pH  bark  carbon source
姜应和 武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院武汉430070 
李超 武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院武汉430070 济南市市政工程设计研究院有限责任公司济南250101 
      人工湿地可应用于城市污水厂出水深度处理和农业污染治理,但反硝化碳源不足问题制约了其脱氮能力.本试验利用树皮作为垂直流人工湿地强化反硝化脱氮填料,分析了水力负荷、硝酸盐负荷以及pH对人工湿地脱氮效果的影响.结果表明,人工湿地可以达到预期的反硝化水平,反硝化速率随水力负荷、硝酸盐负荷的增加而增大,去除率随两者的增加而减小,在进水NO-3-N 50 mg/L,水力负荷0.1 m3/(m2·d)时,出水NO-3-N为9 mg/L左右,硝酸盐去除率可以达到80%;人工湿地反硝化最适pH值范围在7~8之间,超出此范围,反硝化会受到抑制.
      Constructed wetlands have been widely used for the treatment of outlets of municipal wastewater treatment plants, treatment of agricultural pollution etc, adequate carbon is a very good source for denitrification and it is very crucial for improving the removal rate of nitrate nitrogen in constructed wetlands. An attempt has been made to workout for the nitrate removal by the integrated vertical constructed wetland, the bark was used for carbon source, the results shows the denitrifying bacteria in the constructed wetlands can utilize the carbon source very well, produced by bark to remove nitrate nitrogen. The efficiency of denitrification increases with the increase of the hydraulic loading and the influent nitrate loading,but the rate of the nitrate nitrogen removal decreases. At the condition of influent NO-3-N of 50 mg/L and the hydraulic loading of 0.1 m3/(m2·d), the removal rate of nitrate nitrogen in the wetland system is around 80%.The suitable pH is 7 to 8 and when the pH is out of this range,it restricts the denitrification process.

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