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摘要点击 2163  全文点击 1356  投稿时间:2008-10-25  修订日期:2008-12-29
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中文关键词  氯离子浓度  SBBR和SBR  亚硝化和硝酸化  同步硝化反硝化
英文关键词  chloride concentration  sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) and sequencing batch reactor(SBR)  nitrosation and nitration  simultaneous nitrification and denitrification(SND)
邹高龙 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院长沙410082 
李小明 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院长沙410082 
李启武 湖南省环境监测中心站长沙410004 
刘医 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院长沙410082 
周屹 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院长沙410082 
曾光明 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院长沙410082 
      针对含氨氮高盐废水,研究了逐步提高盐度(以Cl-离子浓度计)对内循坏SBBR和SBR中硝化和反硝化作用的影响,以及当盐度降为0后的恢复过程.结果表明,在内循坏SBBR和SBR中,随着盐度的逐步提高,亚硝化过程都会受到影响,当盐度<1.0×104 mg·L-1时,SBBR中的氨氮降解速率小于SBR,从1.5×104 mg·L-1开始SBBR中的氨氮降解速率大于SBR,当盐度提高为4.0×104 mg·L-1时,两者的亚硝化过程都受到极大抑制;SBBR在盐度为1.5×104 mg·L-1时即持续有NO-2-N累积,而在SBR中,当盐度提高为2.5×104 mg·L-1时,反应周期末才开始持续有大量的NO-2-N累积;在SBBR中,当盐度低于1.5×104 mg·L-1时,TN去除率达到60%左右,当盐度>3.0×104 mg·L-1时,同步硝化反硝化过程受到较大抑制.
      According to nitrogen-containing wastewater, effects of salinity variation on nitrification and denitrification in internal circulation sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) and sequencing batch reactor(SBR), and the process of recovery as decreased salinity were investigated. The results show that nitrosation process is effected in internal circulation SBBR and SBR as the increase of salinity, and as the salinity is less than 1.0×104 mg·L-1, the speed of ammonia-oxidize is quicker in the SBR than in the SBBR, but the state is opposite as the salinity beyond 1.5×104 mg·L-1. As the salinity increased to 4.0×104 mg·L-1, the process of ammonia-oxidize was restrained strongly both in SBBR and SBR. The nitrite accumulation is attained continually as the salinity at 1.5×104 mg·L-1 and 2.5×104 mg·L-1 in the SBBR and SBR respectively. In the SBBR, the removal rate of TN was about 60% as the salinity was less than 1.5×104 mg·L-1, and the SND was restrained strongly as the salinity beyond 3.0×104 mg·L-1.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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