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摘要点击 2901  全文点击 1774  投稿时间:2008-07-28  修订日期:2008-09-16
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中文关键词  反硝化  硝酸盐  亚硝酸盐  C/N  氧化亚氮
英文关键词  denitrification  nitrate  nitrite  C/N ratio  nitrous oxide
尚会来 北京工业大学北京市水质科学与水环境恢复工程重点实验室北京100124 
      试验采用SBR反应器,分别考察了不同C/N条件下,以硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐为电子受体的反硝化过程中N2O产生情况.投加乙醇作为反硝化碳源,以硝酸盐为电子受体时调节C/N分别为0、 1.2、 2.4、 3.5、 5.0和20,以亚硝酸盐为电子受体时调节C/N分别为0、 1.8、 2.4、 3.0、 4.3、 5.2、 6.6和20.6.结果发现,以亚硝酸盐为电子受体时,最佳C/N为3.0,此时N2O产生量为0.044 mg·L-1;以硝酸盐为电子受体时,最佳C/N为5.0,此时N2O产生量为0.135 mg·L-1,是以亚硝酸盐为电子受体时的3倍.电子受体类型不同时,N2O产生量的变化趋势类似:在碳源严重不足时,反硝化率和N2O产生量均很低;碳源相对不足时N2O产生量增加;C/N过大时,虽然反硝化速率很快,但N2O产量也急剧增大.可见,与全程硝化反硝化工艺相比,短程硝化反硝化工艺可节省40%碳源,且控制C/N=3,其反硝化过程产生的N2O远少于全程反硝化.
      The experiment investigated the nitrous oxide production under different C/N ratios during denitrification, taking nitrate and nitrite as electron acceptor respectively. Ethanol was selected as carbon source. The C/N ratios were 0, 1.2, 2.4, 3.5, 5.0 and 20 when nitrate was taken as electron acceptor and C/N ratios 0, 1.8, 2.4, 3.0, 4.3, 5.2, 6.6, 20.6 when electron acceptor was nitrite. The results indicated that: the optimum C/N ratio was 3.0 taking nitrite as electron acceptor and the N2O production was 0.044 mg·L-1;the optimum C/N ratio was 5.0 taking nitrate as electron acceptor and the N2O production was 0.135 mg·L-1 which was 3 times higher than that of nitrite as electron acceptor. Though the electron acceptor changed, the trend of N2O production was similar: when carbon source was badly insufficient, the production of N2O and denitrification rate were both quite small; the N2O production increased with the increasing of the quantity of carbon source; when the carbon source was excessive, the N2O production sharply raised. Consequently, compared to complete nitrification and denitrification, short-cut nitrification and denitrification could save 40% carbon source. Moreover, controlling C/N=3 could reduce the production of N2O in short-cut nitrification.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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