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Alcaligenes sp. XJ-T-1利用废弃油脂生产破乳剂研究
摘要点击 1956  全文点击 2368  投稿时间:2008-07-12  修订日期:2008-11-15
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中文关键词  产碱杆菌  生物破乳剂  废弃油脂  脂肽
英文关键词  Alcaligenes sp.  biodemulsifier  waste frying oil  lipopeptide
刘佳 同济大学环境科学与工程学院污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室上海200092 
      生物破乳剂是一种应用于油水乳状液分离的新型破乳剂.本研究对筛选得到的1株高效破乳剂产生菌XJ-T-1(鉴定结果为Alcaligenes sp.)代谢产生的生物破乳剂进行了理化性质、破乳能力和废弃油脂利用能力分析.采用废弃油脂Ⅱ为碳源,可提高生物破乳剂产量4.6倍,XJ-T-1在以液体石蜡和废弃油脂培养8 d后该菌能使水的表面张力从72 mN/m下降到32 mN/m, CMC-1分别为10、 20;以液体石蜡为碳源培养得到的生物破乳剂在油包水型、水包油型模型乳状液的破乳率分别达到了96%、 50%;而以废弃油脂Ⅱ为碳源培养得到的生物破乳剂的破乳率分别为97.8%、 65%;采用煤油脱出率、乳状液脱除率和水脱出率3种评价方式对破乳效果评价发现生物破乳剂最先作用于乳状液的连续相;采用TLC和IR对废弃油脂生产破乳剂得到的破乳剂有效成分进行鉴定,结果为脂肽与石蜡培养产物相同.
      As a new member of demulsifier family, biodemulsifier is applied in oil water emulsion breaking. A strain, XJ-T-1, was isolated from petroleum contaminated soil and identified as Alcaligenes sp.. Its physicochemical properties, demulsification capability and utilization of waste oil were further investigated. With waste frying oil(WFO) as carbon source, the demulsifier produced by Alcaligenes sp. showed high demulsifying capability. Moreover, the production of demulsifier was 4.6 times of that generated with paraffine as the carbon source. The CMC-1 of biodemulsifier produced by paraffine and waste frying oil was achieved at 10 and 20, respectively.The biodemulsifier cultured with paraffine as the carbon source achieved 96% and 50% of emulsion breaking ratio in W/O(water in oil) and O/W(oil in water) model emulsion, while the demulsifier cultured on waste frying oil Ⅱas carbon source exhibited 97.8% and 65% demulsification ratio in the two model emulsions correspondingly. From the dynamic change of kerosene breaking ratio, emulsion breaking ratio and water breaking ratio during demulsification process, it was found that this biodemulsifier reacted with the continuous phase of the emulsion prior to its reaction with the dispersed phase. It was identified the valid part of biodemulsifier produced by WFOⅡ was lipopeptide by TLC and IR.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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