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摘要点击 1768  全文点击 2684  投稿时间:2008-07-17  修订日期:2008-09-10
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中文关键词  甲酚  异构体  活性炭  吸附  解吸
英文关键词  cresol  isomers  activated carbon  adsorption  desorption
尤涛 大连理工大学工业生态与环境工程教育部重点实验室大连116023 
      以邻、间、对甲酚为模拟废水,考察甲基的取代位置对吸附和解吸特性的影响,并以此评价活性炭吸附 生物再生工艺处理甲酚废水的可行性.平衡数据经Freundlich模型拟合后表明,活性炭(AC)对3种甲酚的吸附能力由大到小的顺序为:对甲酚>邻甲酚>间甲酚,与pKa呈正相关,与可溶性和氧化电极电位呈负相关;解吸能力由大到小的顺序为:邻甲酚>间甲酚>对甲酚,与沸点和黏度呈负相关.此外,对比吸附和解吸平衡曲线,发现吸附不可逆性是两曲线差异的重要原因,并结合数理统计的方法推导出理论不可逆吸附量的计算方法,得到AC对邻、间、对甲酚的不可逆吸附量Qi分别为27.9、 28.5、 33.4 mg/g.
      Simulated wastewater containing o-,m- and p-cresol was used respectively to study the effects of substituted position on adsorption and desorption and the feasibility of activated carbon adsorption bioregeneration treatment. According to the isotherm, the adsorbability sequences in the order of p-cresol >o-cresol >m-cresol, which is positively correlated to pKa and negatively correlated to solubility and critical oxidation potential (COP); and the desorbability sequences in the order of o-cresol>m-cresol>p cresol, which is negatively correlated to boiling point and viscosity. According to comparative analysis, irreversible adsorption is found to be the main reason for differences between adsorption and desorption isotherms. A mathematical statistics method was applied to estimate the amount of irreversible adsorption. The irreversible adsorption amounts of o, m, p-cresol are 27.9 mg/g, 28.5 mg/g and 33.4 mg/g, respectively.

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