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摘要点击 2816  全文点击 1736  投稿时间:2008-05-14  修订日期:2008-10-13
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中文关键词      燃烧  排放清单  中国
英文关键词  arsenic  coal  combustion  emission inventory  China
田贺忠 北京师范大学环境学院水环境模拟国家重点实验室北京100875 
      燃煤排放的砷是引起大气环境污染和经济损失的重要痕量元素之一.对燃煤大气砷排放进行估算可以为砷排放法规政策的制定和选择适宜的燃煤砷污染控制技术提供依据.采用基于燃料消耗的排放因子法,按照经济部门、燃烧方式和除尘设施将燃煤排放源进行分类,根据各省区不同排放类型的煤炭消耗量和燃煤平均砷含量,建立了2005年中国燃煤大气砷排放清单. 2005年中国燃煤生产和消耗量分别为2 119.8和2 099.8 Mt.燃煤导致的大气砷排放总量估算约为1 564.4 t,其中排放量最大的省区是山东(144.4 t),其次是湖南(141.1 t)、河北(108.5 t)、河南(77.7 t)、江苏(77.0 t)等,燃煤大气砷排放主要集中在中东部省区;绝大部分燃煤大气砷排放来自工业(818.8 t)和电力部门(303.4 t),分别占燃煤大气砷排放总量的52.3%和19.4%;2005年中国燃煤排放的砷大约有375.5 t是以气态形式排放到大气中,占排放总量的24%.总体上,在全国范围内燃煤大气砷污染排放控制的重点是电力和工业部门;而对于新疆、甘肃、青海、贵州等地区,还应关注生活消费燃煤引起的砷中毒事件.
      Anthropogenic arsenic (As) emitted from coal combustion is one of key trace elements leading to negative air pollution and national economy loss. It is of great significance to estimate the atmospheric arsenic emission for proposing relevant laws or regulations and selecting proper pollution control technologies. The inventories of atmospheric arsenic emissions from coal combustion in China were evaluated by adopting the emission factor method based on fuel consumption. Arsenic emission sources were firstly classified into several categories by economic sectors, combustion types and pollution control technologies. Then, according to provincial coal consumption and averaged arsenic concentration in the feed fuel, the inventories of atmospheric arsenic emission from coal combustion in China in 2005 were established. Coal output and consumption in China in 2005 were 2 119.8 and 2 099.8 Mt, respectively. The total emissions of arsenic released into the atmosphere in 2005 in China were estimated at about 1 564.4 t, and Shandong ranked the largest province with 144.4 t arsenic release, followed by Hunan (141.1 t), Hebei (108.5 t), Henan (77.7 t), and Jiangsu (77.0 t), which were mainly concentrated in the eastern and central provinces of China. The arsenic emissions were largely emitted by industry sector (818.8 t) and thermal power generation sector (303.4 t), contributing 52.3% and 19.4% of the totals, respectively. About 375.5 t arsenic was estimated to be released into the atmosphere in the form of gas phase in China in 2005, with a share of 24% of the totals. In general, arsenic pollution control from coal combustion should be highlighted for the power and industry sectors in the whole country. However, arsenic poisoning caused by residential coal burning should also be paid great attention in some areas such as Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai and Guizhou.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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