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摘要点击 2068  全文点击 1176  投稿时间:2007-10-05  修订日期:2007-12-26
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中文关键词  内分泌干扰物  西玛津  O3/H2O2体系  产物
英文关键词  endocrine disrupting chemicals  simazine  O3/H2O2 system  products
李绍峰 深圳职业技术学院建筑与环境工程系深圳 518055 
石冶 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院土木工程学科部深圳 518055 
张荣全 山东省农药检定所济南 250100 
      利用O3/H2O2体系降解内分泌干扰物类除草剂西玛津,对氧化产物进行了色谱分析,以评价该体系去除西玛津效能.西玛津浓度为2 mg/L,过氧化氢与臭氧摩尔比为0.7,臭氧浓度为10.0 mg/L,室温(26℃),pH值为7~8条件下,西玛津的去除率最高可达87.1%,说明O3/H2O2体系氧化西玛津的反应条件温和,易于工程应用;自来水本底西玛津的去除率较纯水中高约10%,达到86.9%;腐殖酸对西玛津的降解影响表现为低浓度促进高浓度抑制,碳酸氢根对西玛津降解的抑制作用较小;GC-MS检测到脱乙基西玛津的存在,通过对LC-MS谱图的分析也证明伴随西玛津的氧化,有脱乙基产物的生成;产物的IC检测结果表明存在脱氯反应过程,且有部分三嗪环被打开,说明臭氧过氧化氢系统氧化降解能力较强.
      The endocrine disrupter simazine was oxidized by O3/H2O2 and the reactive productions was analyzed by chromatography to assess the degradation efficiency of Simazine. The initial content of Simazine 2 mg/L was removed about 87.1% by O3 /H2O2 system when the O3 was dosed as 10.0 mg/L, the H2O2/O3 molar ratio was 0.70, the temperature was 26℃ and pH 7-8, which indicated Simazine could be conveniently removed by O3 /H2O2 system in ordinary reactive condition. The simazine removal ratio in tap water was 10% more than it in purified water up to 86.9%. The removal of simazine was decreased when the content of humic acid(HA) was high, whereas it was increased while low content HA in water. Also, the removal efficiency was inhabited by hydrogen carbonate fairly. The deethyl-simazine(DES) was trapped by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrum(GC-MS) which was also certificated by analyzing the Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrum(LC-MS) of the products. The Ion Chromatography spectrum showed the existing of de-chloro-procedure and breakage of triazine ring. Which indicated the oxidizability of O3/H2O2 system was fairly strong.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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