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摘要点击 4035  全文点击 2540  投稿时间:2007-05-28  修订日期:2007-10-24
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中文关键词  对比  NOx  O3  上甸子  本底
英文关键词  comparison  NOx  O3  Shangdianzi  background
刘洁 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所北京 100089
杭州 310002 
张小玲 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所北京 100089 
徐晓峰 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所北京 100089 
徐宏辉 浙江省气象科学研究所杭州 310017 
      2006-01-01~2006-12-31在北京上甸子区域大气本底站和城区宝联环境观测站连续观测了SO2、NOx、O3和PM2.5的浓度,分析了北京城区和郊区的季节变化及日变化的差异,并结合风向讨论了城区污染对于大气本底的影响.结果表明,①NOx、SO2浓度在采暖季城郊差异最大,城区是本底的4~6倍,城郊O3有一致的浓度变化.本底站PM2.5在4、5月达到100 μg/m3以上,是年平均的2~3倍;②NOx和SO2的日变化在城区表现为双峰型,在09:00前后和22:00前后形成高值,郊区表现为单峰型,在22:00前后出现高值.郊区O3的日变化峰值滞后于城区大约2 h.PM2.5日变化规律表现得较不规则;③西南风条件下本底各污染物浓度明显受城区输送影响而升高,东北风条件下干洁气团的影响比较明显.
      The concentrations of SO2, NOx, O3 and PM2.5 were observed continuously at Shangdianzi atmospheric background monitoring station and Baolian urban environmental monitoring station from 2006-01-01 to 2006-12-31. The difference of seasonal variation and diurnal variation between rural and urban areas was analyzed. And the relationship between wind direction and pollutant concentration at background station was discussed. The results showed that. ① The difference of NOx and SO2 concentrations between rural and urban was most prominent in winter. The concentrations in urban had 4-6 times more than that in rural. The variation trends of O3 were similar in urban and rural. PM2.5 was more than 100 μg/m3 in April and May in rural, which was 2-3 times more than annually average. ② The diurnal variation of NOx and SO2 showed two peaks, one around 09:00 and the other around 22:00. That showed one peak around 22:00 in rural. The rural ozone daily peak was 2 h later than the urban. The diurnal variation of PM2.5 was not regular. ③ The pollutant concentrations seemed obviously high when southwest wind prevailed and brought the polluted air from urban. Contrarily, that was very low when northeast wind prevailed and brought the clean air.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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