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摘要点击 2361  全文点击 1700  投稿时间:2006-09-11  修订日期:2006-11-26
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中文关键词  剑水蚤  水处理  二氧化氯  灭活
英文关键词  cyclops  water treatment  chlorine dioxide  inactivation
赵志伟 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院哈尔滨150090 
崔福义 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院哈尔滨150090 
林涛 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院哈尔滨150090 
刘国平 哈尔滨绍和供水有限公司哈尔滨150080 
      进行了氯气和二氧化氯灭活剑水蚤的对比试验,并分析了pH值、有机物含量等对二氧化氯灭活剑水蚤的影响.在此基础上,对预氧化与混凝过程的协同除蚤效能进行了考察.结果表明,与氯气相比二氧化氯对剑水蚤具有更显著的灭活作用,在较低的投加量(1.0 mg/L)下,接触30 min就可以达到100%的灭活率.当水体pH值为5.7~8.0,灭活效果不受影响,但pH值为9.8可以导致灭活率降低10%.有机物含量对灭活率产生显著影响,有机物含量增加,则灭活率降低.混凝烧杯试验表明,二氧化氯投加量为0.9 mg/L时,二氧化氯预氧化与混凝沉淀的协同作用将完全去除原水中的剑水蚤.
      Comparative experiments on the inactivation of cyclops by chlorine dioxide and chlorine were conducted. Batch experiments were performed in order to analyze the influence of pH value, organic precursor concentration on the rate of inactivation of cyclops with chlorine dioxide. In addition, the synergistic effect of different pre-oxidation followed by coagulation process on removal of cyclops in raw water was evaluated. It was found that chlorine dioxide possessed better inactivation effect than chlorine. Cyclops can be completely inactivated after 30 min of contact time by low dosage of chlorine dioxide (1.0 mg/L). The rate of inactivation was essentially the same at pH 5.7 and 8.0, and pH 9.8 resulted in the 10% of decrease in inactivation rate of cyclops than pH 5.7~8.0 in same contact time. The organic precursor concentration had negative effects on inactivation, and the higher the organic precursor concentration was, the lower inactivation rate of cyclops was achieved. The coagulation jar test showed that cyclops in the raw water could be completely removed by synergistic effect of chlorine dioxide pre-oxidation followed by coagulation process at chlorine dioxide dosage of 0.9 mg/L.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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