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中文关键词  纤维素分解    复合系  功能  稳定
英文关键词  cellulose degradation  microbe  composite microbial system  function  stability
崔宗均 中国农业大学作物学院 北京100094 
李美丹 中国农业大学作物学院 北京100094 
朴哲 中国农业大学作物学院 北京100094 
黄志勇 中国科学院微生物研究所 北京100080 
Masaharu Ishii 东京大学农学部应用生命工学 日本东京113 
Yasuo Igarashi 东京大学农学部应用生命工学 日本东京113 
      从4种堆肥样品中分别筛选出纤维素分解能力较强的4组混合菌,再以酸碱反应互补的原则重新优化组合并驯化成1组纤维素分解能力非常强而稳定的纤维素分解菌复合系MC1.100mL培养物在50℃静止培养72h,分别可分解0.48g滤纸、0.49g脱脂棉、0.19g麦秆和0.08g锯末.分解滤纸时,第24h CMC糖化力最高,为122.3U·mL-在初始pH4~10的不同培养基上接种,均能把pH调到中性,最后稳定在8.0~8.5之间.在连续投放滤纸情况下纤维素分解能力稳定保持20d以上,其发酵液的pH在有滤纸时稳定在6.0~6.5之间,没有滤纸时稳定在8.0~8.5之间.
      Four groups of microbial mix culture with considerable capability of cellulose degradation were selected from four compost heaps,by combining the four groups,a composite microbial system MC1 with highly efficient cellulose degradation was obtained.It was found that 0.48g of filter paper,0.49g of absorbent cotton,0.19g of wheat straw,or 0.08g of wood residue can be degraded by 100mL of MC1 at 50℃ with in 72 hours under static culture.The CM1 saccharification activity was much higher at 24th hours when degrading filter paper that was 122.3U·mL- .This capability of degradation maintained more than 20days when the substrates were continually added.MC1 could be inoculated in a wide pH rang,from 4 to 10;however,the final pH would be changed to neutrality after incubation.The pH would be stability with filter paper between 6.0 and 6.5,and between 8.0 and 8.5 without the filter paper.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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