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摘要点击 1318  全文点击 2533  投稿时间:2000-01-15  
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中文关键词  化学工程固沙技术  固沙剂优选实验  流动性沙漠公路  沙害防治
英文关键词  chemical fixation sandy techniques  choice of chemical sandy fixation agents  highway on the sandy desert  controlling of sandy hazards
韩致文 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,兰州730000 
胡英娣 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,兰州730000 
陈广庭 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,兰州730000 
姚正义 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,兰州730000 
邵国胜 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,兰州730000 
      由于天然材料日益紧缺 ,研制适宜于流动性沙漠地区公路沙害防治的人工替代材料势在必行 .结合塔里木沙漠公路沙害环境 ,实验室优选出 L VA、LVP、WBS和 STB 4种抗性较好的固沙剂 ,对其理化性能、粘结体力学性能和抗风蚀性能等测试结果表明 :颗粒粒径 0.2μm~ 0.5μm,粘度 12 Pa·s~ 15Pa·s;10℃~70℃温度下无沉淀 ,不燃烧 ;实验抗压强度 1.0 MPa~12.1 MPa;10℃~-20℃低温下重量损失率 0%~ 1.8%;紫外光照射 300h强度损失率 0%~ 42%;在 5m·s-1~253m·s-1实验风速下 ,风蚀量 0g·(106cm2·h)-1~4.0 g·(106cm2·h)-1 ;现场试验固结层厚度 0.2 mm~0.5mm,强度高 .化学工程固沙技术适宜于塔里木沙漠公路沙害防治 .
      As the decreasing of the mount of natural materials used to fix sand along the highway in Tarim Basin,it is essential to study the new chemical material that can effectively fix sandy in desert environment.Through the laboratory experiment study,LVA,LVP,WBS and STB can replace the natural material chemical sandy fixation agents.In the study,the chemical agents' physics and chemical characteristics,their coherence dynamics function,their abilities of countering and erosion were tested individually.And the following points can be concluded by tests:If the diameter of chemicals particle is 0 2μm~0 5μm,the viscosity is 12Pa·s~15Pa·s and the temperature is 10℃~70℃,the chemical can not been kindled or precipitated,and the chemical layer can endure the pressure of 1 0 MPa~12 1MPa.If the temperature is 10℃~-20℃,the materials lose only 0%~1 8% of weight.If the chemical is exposed under ultra violet for 300 hours,the ability of enduring the pressure decreases by 0%~42% If the chemical is used to fix sand in the laboratory and the wind blows the fixed sand by 5 m·s-1~25 3m·s-1 speed,the wind erosion capability is 0g·(106cm 2·h)-1~40g·(106cm2·h)-1.It was showed in the fields that if the thin of chemicals on the surface of sand is 0.2mm~0.5mm,the ability of enduring the pressure is highest,and the chemical fixation sandy techniques can be effectively used in controlling aeolian hazard along the highway in Tarim Basin.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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