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摘要点击 1417  全文点击 1909  投稿时间:1999-08-26  
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中文关键词  碘浓度  腐植酸  分布特征  碘缺乏病
英文关键词  iodine,humic acid,distribution characteristics,iodine defect disease.
余孝颖 中国科学院地球化学研究所环境地球化学国家重点开放实验室,贵阳550002 
      为探讨碘在高腐植酸地下水中的分布特征 ,研究内蒙古河套平原地区 51份水样 .分析结果显示 ,水质偏碱 (平均值 pH=7.91 ) ,水中腐植酸和 COD含量均高 ,地下水类型属于 HCO3-Na和 HCO3-Cl- Na型 .在这种高还原型盐水环境中水碘平均浓度达到 430 μg/L,超过了水碘安全浓度范围的上限 ( 5~ 200μg/L) .相关分析结果显示 ,水碘浓度与其它因素的相关顺序是 :COD>荧光强度 >电导率 >HCO-3>Cl->Na+>pH>As>井深 .当地地下水中碘的分布呈现出碘浓度随腐植酸含量和盐渍化程度增加而增加的趋势 .由于这些因素的综合作用 ,当地没有发生高碘型碘缺乏病 ( IDD)的大面积流行 .
      In order to explore the distribution characteristics of iodine in humic acid(HA) high underground water,the collected 51 water samples from Hetao plain, the central and western part of Inner Mongolia were studied.The analytical results showed that the water samples were relatively alkaline (average pH7.91) and high concentration of both of HA and COD in samples.The groundwaters were assigned to the HCO3-Na and HCO3-Cl-Na types.In such a highly reducing environment the concentrations of iodine in saline water would amount to 430 μg/L of average.The concentrations of iodine in this areas exceed the upper limit of the safety range (5~200 μg/L).The results of correlation analysis showed that the correlation between the concentrations of iodine in groundwater and other factors followed the order of COD>fluorescence intensity>electric conductivity>HCO-3>Cl->Na+>pH>As>well depth.The distribution of iodine concentrations in local water displaied such a tendency that the increase of iodine with the content of HA and the saliferous degree in groundwater.Because of the combined function of these factors there was no occurrence if high iodine type iodine defect disease over a vast area.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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