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摘要点击 947  全文点击 1706  投稿时间:1997-05-18  
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中文关键词  邻苯二甲酸酯  预富集  吸附  脱附  紫外分光光度法
英文关键词  phthalate esters  enrichment  adsorption  desorption  UV photometry
金朝晖 南开大学环境科学系, 天津300071 
黄国兰 南开大学环境科学系, 天津300071 
李红亮 南开大学环境科学系, 天津300071 
孙红文 南开大学环境科学系, 天津300071 
陈勇生 南开大学环境科学系, 天津300071 
      In this study,D4020 macro-reticulate resin was used for the first time as an absorbent for phthalate esters (PEs) in water.The results showed that D4020 resin has larger adsorptive capacity,rapid adsorption rate,time-saving,low cost and easy operating.Using a homemade adsorption column,various factors which influence the adsorption and desorption efficiencies were investigated.The recoveries are mainly dependent on column length,flow rate of the eluant and pH value and desorption rate.Recoveries are the best when column length,flow rate,pH value and desorption rate are 116mm,5ml/min,7.0,0.5ml/min respectively,but less affected by salinity.Recoveries of the water sample are 93.6% for DBP and 83.0% for DEHP with good reappearance.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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