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摘要点击 1222  全文点击 1594  投稿时间:1996-01-15  
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中文关键词  煤矸石  聚合氯化铝铁絮凝剂  水处理
英文关键词  gangue  polyaluminum ferric chloride  preparation  structure  wastewater treatment
高宝玉 山东大学、山东省环境保护局环境工程系 济南 250100 
于慧 山东大学、山东省环境保护局环境工程系 济南 250100 
岳钦艳 山东大学、山东省环境保护局环境工程系 济南 250100 
王艳 山东大学、山东省环境保护局环境工程系 济南 250100 
黄佶 山东大学、山东省环境保护局环境工程系 济南 250100 
      Ployaluminum ferric chloride(PAFC),a new type of inorganic flocculant,was prepared by gangue.a kind of waste from coal-mine,and hydrochloric acid as raw materials.The structure of PAFC was studied by transmission electron microscope(TEM),IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.The effect of PAFC in industrial wastewater treatment was tested.The experimental results showed that it is feasible to prepare PAFC from ganguej PAFC produced is the compound of polyaluminum chloride and polyferric chloride.After the wastewaters from coal-mine and oilfield were treated with PAFC in 40 mg/L,the removal ratios of COD,SS and oil are about 0.8%,90% and 90% respectively.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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