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摘要点击 1631  全文点击 1334  投稿时间:1994-02-19  
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中文关键词  Fe2+-H2O2  DSD酸  废水处理
英文关键词  ferrous-hydrogen peroxide  DSD acid  dye intermediate  wastewater treatment
祝万鹏 清华大学环境工程系, 北京 100084 
杨志华 清华大学环境工程系, 北京 100084 
王利 清华大学环境工程系, 北京 100084 
杨吉生 清华大学环境工程系, 北京 100084 
      A pretreatment method for the biological treatment of wastewater from DSD acid manufacturing processes,a refractory dye intermediate wastewater,based on combined Fe2+-H2O2 oxidation and coagulation-flocculation, has been developed. When the wastewater was treated with Fe2+-H2O2 oxidation([Fe2+] = 150mg/L, [H2O2]= 7g/L)after a flocculation using an organic flocculant TS-1 at a dosage of 3g/L, the overall COD and colour removals were 64% and 62%,respectively. BOD5/COD value of the tracted wastewater was 0.3.Fe2+-H2O2 oxidation treatment can reduce the solubility of organic molecules with sulfonic group and increace the efficiency of coagulation treatment.The COD and colour removals were both more than 90% when FeCL3 was used as a coagulant which dosages of two stages coagulation were 5g/L and 2g/L after a Fe2+-H2O2 oxidation pretreatment at a H2O2 dosage of 2g/L.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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