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摘要点击 881  全文点击 1228  投稿时间:1994-05-03  
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中文关键词  CO2倍增处理  净光合速率  气孔阻抗  蒸腾速率  水分利用效率
英文关键词  doubly increased CO2 treatment  net photosynthesis rate  stomatal resishace  tianspiration rate  water use efficiency
林舜华 中国科学院植物研究所, 北京 100044 
项斌 中国科学院植物研究所, 北京 100044 
高雷明 中国科学院植物研究所, 北京 100044 
      The research results show that responses of the leaf stoma of Quercus liaotungensis,Ailanthus altissima,and Syringa oblata(woody plant)to a doubly increased CO2 were not very sensitive;the stomatal resistance did not enlarge;there was no obvious change in transpiration tate,the photosynthesis rate increased by 10%—20% as compared with control or did not increase;the water use efficiency increased from 10% to 100%;and the leaf area increased by a little or was near to the control.It can be considered that a doubly increased CO2 has a promotion auction to different degrees.However,the responses of the leaf stoma of Oryza sativa,Glycine max,Setaria italica,Echinochloa sp.(herbaceous plant),especially Oryza stativa and Glycine max(C3 plants),to a doubly increased CO2 were sensitive;the stomatal resisboce enlarged;the transpiration rate decreased, and the photosynthesis rate increased in the peak growing period,but edcreased in other growing periods.If calculated with the total growing period,it would decrease by about 15%,with a little change in water use efficiency.Setaria italica and Echinochloa sp.(C4 plants)had less obvious response to a doubly increased CO2 as C3 plants;its stomatal resistance was not much changed,the photosynthesis rate increased in the peak growing period and then bed a little decrease,it decreased by 10% in the total growing period and its water use efficiency decreased to some degree.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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