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摘要点击 1029  全文点击 801  投稿时间:1992-09-10  
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中文关键词  氧化塘  微型动物  凤眼莲  净化作用
英文关键词  oxidation pond  microzoon  waterhyacinth purification
杨柳燕 南京组合环保工程公司, 南京210029 
张学梅 南京组合环保工程公司, 南京210029 
马文漪 南京大学环境科学系, 南京210008 
      There are lots of biological species in rootzone of waterhyacinth, which can purify wastewater from oil refinery. Rootzone of waterhyacinth is an ecological subsystem. There are 20 microzoon species including 13 protozoa, 3 rotifer and 4 others. The main species are Vorlicella convallaria, Rotaria rotatoria and Lepadella patella with precentages of 18.5%, 17.5% and 34.5%, respectively. The longer retention time of the wastewater is in the oxidation pond, the more species and the bigger population of microzoon in rootzone of waterhyacinth. The total biomass increases along with wastewater flow. The maximum value of the population is 1.91×107 ind /m2. There is no microzoon except Englena which is an autotrophic organism in control pond. Increase of retention time of wastewater is beneficial to biomass of microzoon and has no effect on the content of aerobic and facultative aerobic microbes in oxidation pond.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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