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摘要点击 839  全文点击 1652  投稿时间:1992-04-22  
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中文关键词  低温常压  脉冲放电  等离子体  SO2  NOx
英文关键词  pulse discharge  plasma  SO2  NOx
白希尧 鞍山静电技术研究设计院, 鞍山114011 
依成武 鞍山静电技术研究设计院, 鞍山114011 
张芝涛 鞍山静电技术研究设计院, 鞍山114011 
白敏冬 鞍山静电技术研究设计院, 鞍山114011 
邵志勇 鞍山静电技术研究设计院, 鞍山114011 
张艳玲 鞍山静电技术研究设计院, 鞍山114011 
      A kind of unbalanced high energe plasma was produced by corana discharge of ultrahigh valtage pulse with sreep front and bach edges at normal pressure and low temperature conditions. The plasma could break the chemical bonds of NOx, SO2 molecules, and under definitely directional action, the gas molecules could be decomposed into non-poisonous mono-molecular O2, N2 and monoplas-matic particle S. The decomposation rate of NOx was 94.1%, and that of SO2 was 86.7%. All the monoplasmatic sulphur deposited on the wall of reactor, and may be used as industrial material. This is a new technique providing a kind of effective, feasible way in reducing the risk of "acid rain". It has the advantages of low cost, little land occupation, and low energy consumption. Furthermore, no additional chemicals are needed in the mathod of treatment of NOx, SO2 containing waste gases. In comparison with the world advanced technique of electron-beam and nano high-voltage pulse corona discharge, this technique can cut down the first investment and routine operation cost by about 90 percent.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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