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摘要点击 7696  全文点击 2951  投稿时间:2005-06-25  修订日期:2005-09-07
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中文关键词  红球菌  乳状液  生物破乳  枝菌酸  原油
英文关键词  Rhodococcus sp.  emulsion  bio-demulsification  mycolic acids  crude oil
马挺 南开大学环境科学与工程学院 天津300071 
梁凤来 南开大学生命科学学院 天津300071 
奚艳伟 南开大学生命科学学院 天津300071 
刘如林 南开大学生命科学学院 天津300071 
      利用乳化剂Span 80配制出一种稳定的煤油-水乳浊液作为模型乳浊液,进而从大港油田废水中筛选出1株破乳能力较强的红球菌PR-1.该菌株培养液在55℃下8h可以使模型乳浊液完全破乳,且在实验条件下比化学破乳剂DGF-01具有更强的破乳活性.研究发现,乳浊液的破乳为线性增长过程,冻融和高压灭菌对其破乳能力没有影响,菌体细胞是破乳的主要活性成分,经超声波破碎及有机溶剂处理后其破乳活性显著降低.菌体表面有很强的疏水性,其对烃的粘附率为84%,碳链长度范围在C27~C54的枝菌酸类物质是保持菌体细胞完整性和疏水性的关键,其对细胞的破乳活性也至关重要.PR-1菌株发酵液用于原油乳状液的破乳具有操作方便,破乳率高,应用面广,无毒无害等优点,且能完全脱出J9-19原油乳状液中的水,因此可作为原油乳状液或油田采出水的破乳剂.
      Rhodococcus sp.PR-1 with high capability of demulsification on a surfactant-stabilized kerosene-water model emulsion was isolated from sewage of Dagang oil field.It could demulsify the model emulsion completely in 8 hours at 55℃ and had better demulsifying capability than chemical demulsifier DGF-01.The freezing-thawing and autoclaving had no effect on the process of demulsification,yet ultrasonic disposal and deal with organic solvent could inhibit its activity.A linear relationship,not the first order reaction that was used in some references,was observed between the percentage of demulsification and reaction time.The demulsifying capability of PR-1 was mainly resulted from the hydrophobic surfaces of microbial cells,which were characterized by the mycolic acids with the carbon-chain-length from 27 to 54.These results provide foundation for biological application on demulsifying crude oil emulsions in produced water of oil field.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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